
Monday, June 25, 2012

Monsanto's unethical and immoral treatment of small farmers

The main motivation behind a move to get off the grid is to deny Corporate America access to what little income I have.  This isn't the place to try to educate people about the immoral and unethical actions of these corporations but it is a good place to steer people to areas where they can get information.  One of more infuriating things that has been taking place over the last few years is Monsanto's patent on Soy bean and other seed that has been genetically modified to withstand the pesticides and chemicals that they create to be  sprayed on plants.  Since they now have been issued a patent, farmers can not harvest the seed from their plants for use in their next years crops.  Fair enough I guess if the government will grant patents on mutating plant seeds that can't be killed by pesticides.  The problem starts to happen when farmers on adjacent land who did not use the modified seeds, grow their crops and their plants cross pollenate with the altered plants.  Now they have seed that may infact be alter via pollenation, along with seed that may have inadvertantly been blown over to their farms.  Monsanto has agents that go onto private land to inspect crops and develop suits against farmers who are not using their seed but may have been contaminated by Monsanto  The CBS video here is a very conservative look into what this Corporate giant is doing to destroy small farmers.  For more information, visit  Watch the film and educate yourself on what Corporations are doing in an attempt to control our food supplies.  Find out about those who previously worked for Monsanto but now hold important positions within the Federal Agencies that control our food production.  The FDA in particular.

Buy Local, Grown your own, keep what you have longer - Deny Corporate America, deny their influence in our goverment and deny their influence in our lives.  Your wallet is your power to make a change.

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